
thank you.

A thank you message to all of my sweet readers ♥

Just discovered my very talented friend has a photography folio in deviantart.
Check out her pretty snaps here. She takes such pretty details of nature!

PS. without further ado, I'll be taking my hiatus from now on for around three weeks (oh no! I'll miss you all terribly </3) Blogging's been so tempting so far and it's so tough to put it down for a while now. But fear not! That means I'll forward and give back more hugs to each of you and your precious blogs as soon as the exams finish.

Thank you all for tuning into Style Hostess. I know I've been quite pressed for time these days and barely alive in the blogging world haha. When the exams are done and the massive break is up (seriously, it's a freaking three month break..I'm going to get SO BORED of holidays!!) I will definitely keep in touch with you loves. hmm...you tell me, I was actually planning to go on a vacation to France to improve my french (foreign language study). Now I'm really thinking that's a crystal clear idea since I'll have three months of holiday. It's going to get super busy when school finish with all the celebrations and all, plus the catch ups I've missed during exam study period but after that, I need to occupy my time with more stuff. So why not go on an exchange trip? Might be repeating Year 12 again for all you know in France. They have the baccalaureate there. Sounds great :)

Until then, sweet days to you, lovelies! xx
(and of course, good luck to fellow Year 12s and uni students facing their exam weeks too. keep fighting!!)

♣ ♣ ♣  Au revoir !  ♣ ♣ ♣


FAIIINT said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Ahh! Good luck with the exams & look forward to seeing you back here once they're done! :)

casper+pearl said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

good luck with your tests!

lots of love from the c&p grls,
casper&pearl blog

Joana Chaves said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Email me dude! And I still haven't decided on the camera, but that's okay, since I won't want to spend the money anytime soon.

MYSTYLEDIARYY said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Good luck with all your exams!